Formula Bharat

An Indian Formula Student competition

FB2021 EV Doc Submissions Penalties

1 min read

The following attachment consists of late penalties towards delayed submission of BPPD, EDP and DSS. There were no recorded penalties for file naming. Penalties for use of incorrect template, if any, were recorded by the respective event’s judges in the score assigned to either the Business Plan Event or the Engineering Design Concept Event.

If there are concerns with the document attached, kindly write to formulabharat(@), no later than Wednesday, December 23.

Click here to view the FB2021 EV Doc Submissions Penalty Tracker (Version 1 – December 18 / 20:57 EST)


  • As EV teams struggled with constant changes put forth by the ongoing pandemic and the switch to the Virtual Event format in late August, no late submission penalties were assigned to FMEA, ESF and SES. The document reviewers rather saw this as an opportunity for teams to gather feedback in their submitted documents, push for higher review acceptance rates and to take forward their learnings into the 2022 season.
  • No late submissions were recorded with the IAD submissions.
  • The IAD submissions saw a 95% review acceptance rate amongst participating EV teams at Formula Bharat.
  • The above exceptions do not apply to teams participating in the Combustion category.